Monday, May 9, 2016

BCBL Spring Training Update (No Spring Training This Weekend) (5/1)...

There will be NO spring training this weekend.

We are currently working out our schedule around the Manhattan Beach Little League and Pony League.  As such, although we received clearance from the Little League to hold a spring training this weekend, due to personal matters, I was unable to make it down to Manhattan Beach today to book the field in time.  I apologize to everyone in the league and will strive to get this squared away as soon as possible.

The Manhattan Beach Parks and Rec schedulers are currently looking into what can be done to resolve the schedule crunch in a way that (hopefully) satisfies all involved.  I should have more information early next week and will pass it along to you all in the monthly BCBL email I've been sending out.

So, in the meantime, hit the cages and keep your eyes on these email accounts for more updates.  Thank you for your patience.

~Jason Nimersheim
2016 BCBL President

Registration Status
This email was sent to the players we have signed up (as of midnight 4/29) as well as a few additional people and former players to keep them informed.  I have included a list of players who have signed up below.  If you think somebody is missing from the list, have them contact me immediately and have them sign up on our website.  We will only have enough space for 6 teams this year, so we are officially capping at 84 paid players.  As of midnight 4/29, there are 16 unpaid spots.  Anyone who signs up and doesn't get their money in on time will be placed on a our free agent/waiting list for a team.

Current Sign-Ups: