Saturday, March 5, 2016

Early Bird Registration is NOW OPEN!!!

I have opened up registration to all 2015 players in order to get a jump on registrations this year.  

PayPal Link

We're also going to try something a little new this year.  The league will be providing all teams with new jerseys for players that will be handed out at each game.  Optionally, the jerseys may be permanently purchased by the players ($50).  Purchasing the jersey reserves that player number for as long as the team wears that style of jersey.

Players who sign up for Early Bird Registration will be guaranteed their previous summer league team and player number (unless someone signs up ahead of them).  Returning fall players will not be guaranteed a team, but their player number will be available.

BUT THAT'S NOT ALL!  Players that sign up during Early Bird Registration will be given the opportunity to trade in their old jersey for a registration discount or buy their new jersey outright at a heavily discounted price.

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!  Players who sign up during Early Bird Registration will also get to vote on the final jersey designs!

Early Bird Registration Ends: 3/23/2016
Spring Training:  5/1, 5/8, 5/15, 5/22 (tentative)
Opening Day:  6/5/2016 (tentative)
Championship: 8/28/2016 (tentative)

So fill out your registration form and turn in your $20 registration fee to get Early Bird Registration status.  The Early Bird gets the...well... gets the jersey!

~Jason "Swatch" Nimersheim
2015 BCBL President