Saturday, April 2, 2016

The BCBL Times - Presidential Fireside Chat - April Edition

Good morning ballers!

This will be the second in our monthly league updates.

REGISTRATION:  Just a reminder to get your registration in.  Registering helps us start to plan for the season.  But just like last year, the registration fee is completely refundable and non-binding.

OFFICER ELECTION: Congratulations to your new officers.  We will be holding our first board meeting within the next two weeks to flesh out the details for the upcoming season. 

UNIFORMS:  The final votes have been tallied and the uniforms selected.  Click the link to see the final selections!  This year, the BCBL will be getting all new jerseys.  As we get closer to the season, players will be offered the option of purchasing their uniform at-cost, so if you like what you see, you can take it home with you!

GAME TIMES:  I'm working with the Little League and the City this year, but as it currently stands, there's some scheduling issues that may prevent the 3 hr game times we had last year.  Hopefully this can be resolved, but I wanted to let everyone know that we're working on it and hope to maintain what we started last year, giving teams enough time to play a full game.

SPRING TRAINING:  Tentatively, I am looking at scheduling practices on each weekend in May, but this may depend a little on field availability.

VOLUNTEERS WANTED:  In the past, members of the BCBL have assisted the Manhattan Beach Little League by being assistant coaches and coaches for their kids.  If you're interested in helping out, contact us at and we'll pass along the information.

BONUS BASEBALL:  Bob Sharka, a retired BCBL player is arranging to go play a double-header at San Quentin Prison on Saturday June 11th.  Rumor has it Sanjay will be attending this year to, although it's not clear to me which side of the fence he'll be on.  If you want to add to your baseball resume and have a unique experience, email us or contact Bob directly and we'll get you the information.

Spring Training:  5/1, 5/8, 5/15, 5/22  (tentative)
Registration Closes:  5/13
Team Rosters Announced:  5/15 (tentative)
Opening Day:  6/5
Championship Sunday:  8/28

2015 BCBL President